Whole house reverse osmosis has peaked the interest of many home owners throughout the US and the request for these systems has skyrocketed over the past decade. Nanofiltration (NF) is an up-incoming purification process much like RO and has households buzzing with curiosity. With the rise in interest comes the rise in questions, and RO/NF systems can come with a lot of them. Read along to find answers to some of our customer's most frequently asked questions about these whole house purification systems and if they're right for your home, and more importantly, your family. |
Why do I need whole house reverse osmosis (vs. under-the-sink RO)?
Will an RO/NF treat everything in my water?
Is the RO/NF water unhealthy to drink?
Is reverse osmosis corrosive to copper plumbing?
How does your whole house RO/NF system work?
What does your Electronic RO Control Panel do and why is it important?
What size RO/NF system do I need / How many gallons per minute can I get from a RO/NF?
Do RO/NF systems waste a lot of water?
Can these systems be installed by the home owner?
Is there a lot of maintenance with a whole house RO/NF system?
Will an RO/NF treat everything in my water?
Is the RO/NF water unhealthy to drink?
Is reverse osmosis corrosive to copper plumbing?
How does your whole house RO/NF system work?
What does your Electronic RO Control Panel do and why is it important?
What size RO/NF system do I need / How many gallons per minute can I get from a RO/NF?
Do RO/NF systems waste a lot of water?
Can these systems be installed by the home owner?
Is there a lot of maintenance with a whole house RO/NF system?
Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns
Q: Why do I need whole house reverse osmosis (vs. under-the-sink RO)?
A: There are many reasons why a family needs or wants purified water at every tap in their home. The primary benefit many consumers enjoy is the pure, clean drinking water. This is why compact, inexpensive, and simple under-the-counter point of use (POU) RO systems were introduced. With a new shiny faucet installed next to your kitchen sink, your family can fill their cups, bottles, bowls, pots, pans, or anything else used for cooking and drinking with pure RO water. But what about the other areas of the house - do you really need pure RO water at every tap?
Every customer has different needs for reverse osmosis purification besides great-tasting drinking water, whether it's for problematic levels of arsenic, nitrate, or uranium, corrosive levels of sulfates, chlorides, or other salts, undesirable levels of fluoride or minerals, or varying concerns that can be best treated by RO. A POU drinking water RO system will ensure that you have treated water at one tap, but the rest of the house is untreated. Do you have a little one that likes to drink the bath water, or is it convenient for you to grab a drink of water from the bathroom sink before bed? Are you noticing corrosion on water fixtures, appliances, or does excessive salts make your hair dull, skin pasty, or clothes stiff? You'll notice the difference immediately when you take a shower, run a load of laundry, or shine up your faucets with purified RO water.
A: There are many reasons why a family needs or wants purified water at every tap in their home. The primary benefit many consumers enjoy is the pure, clean drinking water. This is why compact, inexpensive, and simple under-the-counter point of use (POU) RO systems were introduced. With a new shiny faucet installed next to your kitchen sink, your family can fill their cups, bottles, bowls, pots, pans, or anything else used for cooking and drinking with pure RO water. But what about the other areas of the house - do you really need pure RO water at every tap?
Every customer has different needs for reverse osmosis purification besides great-tasting drinking water, whether it's for problematic levels of arsenic, nitrate, or uranium, corrosive levels of sulfates, chlorides, or other salts, undesirable levels of fluoride or minerals, or varying concerns that can be best treated by RO. A POU drinking water RO system will ensure that you have treated water at one tap, but the rest of the house is untreated. Do you have a little one that likes to drink the bath water, or is it convenient for you to grab a drink of water from the bathroom sink before bed? Are you noticing corrosion on water fixtures, appliances, or does excessive salts make your hair dull, skin pasty, or clothes stiff? You'll notice the difference immediately when you take a shower, run a load of laundry, or shine up your faucets with purified RO water.
Q: Will an RO/NF system treat everything in my water?
A: The very first question we get from our customers is if reverse osmosis (or nanofiltration) is the cure-all for their water problems and will take care of every contaminant that may be in there. The short answer for this is absolutely not. Reverse osmosis membranes are highly efficient at reducing or removing salts, dissolved minerals and metals such as aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chloride, sodium, sulfate, uranium, chromium, copper, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrate, selenium, silver, and zinc. RO is also effective with asbestos, many pharmaceuticals, bad taste, color and odor-producing chemicals, particulates, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and radium. When using appropriate activated carbon pre-filtering (included with our RO systems), additional treatment can also be provided for "volatile" contaminants (VOCs) such as benzene, trichloroethylene, trihalomethanes, radon. and more. Technically, these membranes can take care of pretty much anything in the water, but it'll last about a day before the membrane fouls and needs replacing.
For this reason, certain contaminants must be pretreated before the water touches the RO membrane. The most common and problematic contaminants that can foul a membrane and need to be pretreated are chlorine, iron, manganese, and hard water. Likewise, NF membranes will require pretreatment as RO does, with the exception being hard water. Where hard water can plug and foul the RO membrane, NF membranes are able to treat these hard water minerals without getting plugged, allowing nanofiltration to be the perfect salt-free water softener and purification system without an additional water softener.
We are now offering our our custom RainDancePRO Pretreatment Water Softener at special packaged pricing with all RainDance whole house reverse osmosis packages. The RainDancePRO is not a standard water softener as it will not only soften hard water, it will also filter high iron, manganese, rust, and hydrogen sulfide gas. The RainDancePRO also includes a pretreatment lock-out switch that automatically shuts the RO system off while it is regenerating. This protects the RO system from any untreated water getting through while the RainDancePRO is regenerating - standard softeners do not offer this feature which can lead to premature RO failure. Our RainDance Whole House RO Packages also include sediment and activated carbon prefilters as a standard feature to protect the RO from sand, debris, and chlorine, and provides additional treatment for "volatile" contaminants (VOCs) such as trichloroethylene, trihalomethanes, radon, herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides for true well-rounded treatment and purification.
A: The very first question we get from our customers is if reverse osmosis (or nanofiltration) is the cure-all for their water problems and will take care of every contaminant that may be in there. The short answer for this is absolutely not. Reverse osmosis membranes are highly efficient at reducing or removing salts, dissolved minerals and metals such as aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chloride, sodium, sulfate, uranium, chromium, copper, fluoride, lead, mercury, nitrate, selenium, silver, and zinc. RO is also effective with asbestos, many pharmaceuticals, bad taste, color and odor-producing chemicals, particulates, total dissolved solids, turbidity, and radium. When using appropriate activated carbon pre-filtering (included with our RO systems), additional treatment can also be provided for "volatile" contaminants (VOCs) such as benzene, trichloroethylene, trihalomethanes, radon. and more. Technically, these membranes can take care of pretty much anything in the water, but it'll last about a day before the membrane fouls and needs replacing.
For this reason, certain contaminants must be pretreated before the water touches the RO membrane. The most common and problematic contaminants that can foul a membrane and need to be pretreated are chlorine, iron, manganese, and hard water. Likewise, NF membranes will require pretreatment as RO does, with the exception being hard water. Where hard water can plug and foul the RO membrane, NF membranes are able to treat these hard water minerals without getting plugged, allowing nanofiltration to be the perfect salt-free water softener and purification system without an additional water softener.
We are now offering our our custom RainDancePRO Pretreatment Water Softener at special packaged pricing with all RainDance whole house reverse osmosis packages. The RainDancePRO is not a standard water softener as it will not only soften hard water, it will also filter high iron, manganese, rust, and hydrogen sulfide gas. The RainDancePRO also includes a pretreatment lock-out switch that automatically shuts the RO system off while it is regenerating. This protects the RO system from any untreated water getting through while the RainDancePRO is regenerating - standard softeners do not offer this feature which can lead to premature RO failure. Our RainDance Whole House RO Packages also include sediment and activated carbon prefilters as a standard feature to protect the RO from sand, debris, and chlorine, and provides additional treatment for "volatile" contaminants (VOCs) such as trichloroethylene, trihalomethanes, radon, herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides for true well-rounded treatment and purification.
Q: Is the RO/NF water unhealthy to drink?
A: The followup question we receive to the above is if reverse osmosis removes all the essential minerals from the water, making it unhealthy for our bodies. Reverse osmosis does remove a variety of minerals and elements from your water, but this does not make RO water unhealthy or unsafe. Our bodies receive essential minerals and vitamins from the food we eat, so drinking purified RO water is not depriving your body of these. The beauty of Nanofiltration is the partial mineral content it leaves in your water and is a great alternative if the complete purification of RO is undesirable.
A: The followup question we receive to the above is if reverse osmosis removes all the essential minerals from the water, making it unhealthy for our bodies. Reverse osmosis does remove a variety of minerals and elements from your water, but this does not make RO water unhealthy or unsafe. Our bodies receive essential minerals and vitamins from the food we eat, so drinking purified RO water is not depriving your body of these. The beauty of Nanofiltration is the partial mineral content it leaves in your water and is a great alternative if the complete purification of RO is undesirable.
Q: Is reverse osmosis water corrosive to copper plumbing?
A: The reverse osmosis purification process can end up lowering your pH levels, resulting in acidic water that can cause corrosion of copper pipes and water fixtures, but this is dependent on your water chemistry. If your starting pH is around 7-8, the RO system can lower your pH below 7, which is where the water can start to become more acidic. If your pH is 8 or greater, the RO system can lower your pH to a more neutral level and won't be acidic.
For our customers who fear acidic water, we offer a pH correction system as a standard feature in our Whole House RO Packages which is designed to go right after the RO system to raise your pH back to neutral levels, effectively protecting your home from acidic water corrosion. Likewise, nanofiltration can also lower your pH level slightly, but not as much as reverse osmosis does. For these systems we will review your water chemistry in detail to determine if additional protection is needed.
A: The reverse osmosis purification process can end up lowering your pH levels, resulting in acidic water that can cause corrosion of copper pipes and water fixtures, but this is dependent on your water chemistry. If your starting pH is around 7-8, the RO system can lower your pH below 7, which is where the water can start to become more acidic. If your pH is 8 or greater, the RO system can lower your pH to a more neutral level and won't be acidic.
For our customers who fear acidic water, we offer a pH correction system as a standard feature in our Whole House RO Packages which is designed to go right after the RO system to raise your pH back to neutral levels, effectively protecting your home from acidic water corrosion. Likewise, nanofiltration can also lower your pH level slightly, but not as much as reverse osmosis does. For these systems we will review your water chemistry in detail to determine if additional protection is needed.
Q: How does your whole house RO/NF system work?
A: Let's refresh our minds on what RO/NF is: Reverse osmosis (and nanofiltration) is a separation process in which dissolved ions, heavy molecular weight compounds, and particulate matter are removed from water. The process splits the water flow into a purified stream of water which has passed through the membrane (permeate) and a concentrated stream of water which has passed over the surface of the membrane (concentrate).
With our custom RainDance whole house RO Packages, pressurized water from your city treated or well water source enters your existing water softener or the custom RainDancePRO water softener to remove hard water, iron, manganese, rust and hydrogen sulfide gas this soft pretreated water then enters the attached dual prefilter cartridge system to remove sediment, debris, rust, and chemicals. This pre-filtered water enters the reverse osmosis water purification system to treat and remove numerous contaminants. This purified water then enters the pH neutralizer / remineralizer then begins to fill a near-by storage tank supplied by you or us. The purified water will continue to fill the storage tank until the tank is full and the integrated RO float switch closes and shuts the entire RO system off. When there is a demand for water a re-pressure delivery pump is activated and draws purified water from the storage tank to your taps. If enough purified water is used to the point where the float switch is reopened, the RO system is automatically reactivated and begins to replace the purified water that has been depleted in the storage tank.
Our specialized whole house reverse osmosis & nano systems are computer designed utilizing the latest updated element data from all major element manufactures. This insures maximum recovery and optimum water quality while minimizing capital and operating costs. We can provide estimated post water quality information along with operating cost and projections on future production and water quality. In addition, we provide custom built pre-treatment as required to provide the most economical and environmentally friendly operation of the entire system.
If you already have a water analysis email your results to [email protected] or fax it to 760-896-6999 Attn: "Whole House RO Recommendation" and we will recommend the appropriate water treatment system.
A: Let's refresh our minds on what RO/NF is: Reverse osmosis (and nanofiltration) is a separation process in which dissolved ions, heavy molecular weight compounds, and particulate matter are removed from water. The process splits the water flow into a purified stream of water which has passed through the membrane (permeate) and a concentrated stream of water which has passed over the surface of the membrane (concentrate).
With our custom RainDance whole house RO Packages, pressurized water from your city treated or well water source enters your existing water softener or the custom RainDancePRO water softener to remove hard water, iron, manganese, rust and hydrogen sulfide gas this soft pretreated water then enters the attached dual prefilter cartridge system to remove sediment, debris, rust, and chemicals. This pre-filtered water enters the reverse osmosis water purification system to treat and remove numerous contaminants. This purified water then enters the pH neutralizer / remineralizer then begins to fill a near-by storage tank supplied by you or us. The purified water will continue to fill the storage tank until the tank is full and the integrated RO float switch closes and shuts the entire RO system off. When there is a demand for water a re-pressure delivery pump is activated and draws purified water from the storage tank to your taps. If enough purified water is used to the point where the float switch is reopened, the RO system is automatically reactivated and begins to replace the purified water that has been depleted in the storage tank.
Our specialized whole house reverse osmosis & nano systems are computer designed utilizing the latest updated element data from all major element manufactures. This insures maximum recovery and optimum water quality while minimizing capital and operating costs. We can provide estimated post water quality information along with operating cost and projections on future production and water quality. In addition, we provide custom built pre-treatment as required to provide the most economical and environmentally friendly operation of the entire system.
If you already have a water analysis email your results to [email protected] or fax it to 760-896-6999 Attn: "Whole House RO Recommendation" and we will recommend the appropriate water treatment system.
Q: What does your Electronic RO Control Panel do and why is it important?
A: The Electronic Control Panel provides hands-free and worry-free operation of several functions of the RO system. The basic RO functions include the "feed pressure switch" and "tank float switch" which regulates the system operating. The "feed pressure switch" ensures that your incoming water pressure is high enough for the RO system to operate (typically above 25psi). The "tank float switch" tells the RO system to shut down or start up based on your storage tank's water level. These basic functions are built into our RO control panel for smarter regulation and eliminates external switches.
A bonus feature included in our Electronic RO Control Panel is automatic membrane flushing. Most whole house/light commercial RO systems on the market today do not provide a membrane flush, which helps extend the life of the membrane by removing the concentrate brine (extremely salty water expelled by the membrane) sitting on the surface. Our whole house and light commercial RO systems included a manual membrane flush that allowed the user to flush the membrane as they wanted to. With this Electronic RO Control Panel, our customers no longer need to worry about remembering to flush the membrane constantly; this control panel automatically activates a membrane flush both at start up and shut down, ensuring longevity of your RO membrane.
The most important feature on this control panel, however, is the low pressure shutdown. Both public city water users and private well water users can suffer from periods of low pressure which can have a great negative affect on any RO system. If you experience a period of low pressure, a standard RO system would cycle on and off until the pressure is regulated. This can cause wear and irreversible damage to the RO pump motor and external feed pressure switch, resulting in costly and labor-intensive repair. Our RO control panel prevents this from happening by automatically shutting down the RO system if your feed pressure remains low for an extended period of time.
An optional feature on our RO control panel is pretreatment lockout. When pretreatment is needed to protect the RO system, a backwashing filter or water softener is used. When these pretreatment systems shut down to clean themselves, they allow unfiltered water to pass by the system and get into the RO if it's running at this time. To prevent possible exposure to unfiltered water a pretreatment lockout switch can be used to shut down the RO system when the water softener or filter is regenerating. Once the pretreatment system is finished regenerating, the switch will reactivate the RO system again. Both the RO system and the pretreatment system will need to be specially fitted with pretreatment lockout. This option is included free of charge when you add any of our pretreatment water softeners, iron filters, or backwashing systems to your whole house RO system!
Each function of the control panel is displayed with varying indicator lights to let you know how the system is running. You won't have to wait until it's too late and there is no water when you turn on a tap. Our Electronic RO Control Panel prevents potential RO malfunctions from happening and allows you to catch the culprit in time, before it has a chance to harm your system. This fully automated control is a must-have for any home owner that wants a hassle-free solution to many water problems.
For those who want to consider our Whole House Nanofiltration Systems, the simplistic design of these systems does not require the use of a control panel!
A: The Electronic Control Panel provides hands-free and worry-free operation of several functions of the RO system. The basic RO functions include the "feed pressure switch" and "tank float switch" which regulates the system operating. The "feed pressure switch" ensures that your incoming water pressure is high enough for the RO system to operate (typically above 25psi). The "tank float switch" tells the RO system to shut down or start up based on your storage tank's water level. These basic functions are built into our RO control panel for smarter regulation and eliminates external switches.
A bonus feature included in our Electronic RO Control Panel is automatic membrane flushing. Most whole house/light commercial RO systems on the market today do not provide a membrane flush, which helps extend the life of the membrane by removing the concentrate brine (extremely salty water expelled by the membrane) sitting on the surface. Our whole house and light commercial RO systems included a manual membrane flush that allowed the user to flush the membrane as they wanted to. With this Electronic RO Control Panel, our customers no longer need to worry about remembering to flush the membrane constantly; this control panel automatically activates a membrane flush both at start up and shut down, ensuring longevity of your RO membrane.
The most important feature on this control panel, however, is the low pressure shutdown. Both public city water users and private well water users can suffer from periods of low pressure which can have a great negative affect on any RO system. If you experience a period of low pressure, a standard RO system would cycle on and off until the pressure is regulated. This can cause wear and irreversible damage to the RO pump motor and external feed pressure switch, resulting in costly and labor-intensive repair. Our RO control panel prevents this from happening by automatically shutting down the RO system if your feed pressure remains low for an extended period of time.
An optional feature on our RO control panel is pretreatment lockout. When pretreatment is needed to protect the RO system, a backwashing filter or water softener is used. When these pretreatment systems shut down to clean themselves, they allow unfiltered water to pass by the system and get into the RO if it's running at this time. To prevent possible exposure to unfiltered water a pretreatment lockout switch can be used to shut down the RO system when the water softener or filter is regenerating. Once the pretreatment system is finished regenerating, the switch will reactivate the RO system again. Both the RO system and the pretreatment system will need to be specially fitted with pretreatment lockout. This option is included free of charge when you add any of our pretreatment water softeners, iron filters, or backwashing systems to your whole house RO system!
Each function of the control panel is displayed with varying indicator lights to let you know how the system is running. You won't have to wait until it's too late and there is no water when you turn on a tap. Our Electronic RO Control Panel prevents potential RO malfunctions from happening and allows you to catch the culprit in time, before it has a chance to harm your system. This fully automated control is a must-have for any home owner that wants a hassle-free solution to many water problems.
For those who want to consider our Whole House Nanofiltration Systems, the simplistic design of these systems does not require the use of a control panel!
Q: What size RO/NF system do I need / How many gallons per minute can I get from an RO/NF?
A: Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems are sized based on your gallon per day (gpd) usage. They should not fall under the sizing rules of inline filters such as backwashing filters and water softeners, which are designed to accommodate the gallon per minute (gpm) flow rate you have going through your pipes. Rather, a reverse osmosis system is designed to produce a set capacity of purified water per day. For example, a system rated at 800 gallons per day (gpd) is only capable of producing 800 gallons of purified water within a 24 hour period and nothing more. So it doesn't matter if you have an 8gpm or 40gpm flow rate going into this system, it will still produce 800 gallons.
The purified RO/NF water comes out as a small stream, which is why you have to have a storage tank and repressure pump to collect and deliver your purified water to your taps. The delivery pump will then provide the flow rate needed for pressure throughout your home.
When shopping for a whole house or commercial reverse osmosis system, take into consideration your expected gallon per day usage as well as the hours in which you need purified water. If you plan on using 400 gallons per day, you could go with a 400gpd RO system. However, if you end up using that 400 gallons within 8 hours, a 400gpd system would not be able keep up. To get 400 gallons in 8 hours, a 1,200gpd RO system would be much more efficient.
When in doubt, don't hesitate to contact a knowledgeable representative who can walk you through the process to ensure you purchase the right system for you.
A: Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems are sized based on your gallon per day (gpd) usage. They should not fall under the sizing rules of inline filters such as backwashing filters and water softeners, which are designed to accommodate the gallon per minute (gpm) flow rate you have going through your pipes. Rather, a reverse osmosis system is designed to produce a set capacity of purified water per day. For example, a system rated at 800 gallons per day (gpd) is only capable of producing 800 gallons of purified water within a 24 hour period and nothing more. So it doesn't matter if you have an 8gpm or 40gpm flow rate going into this system, it will still produce 800 gallons.
The purified RO/NF water comes out as a small stream, which is why you have to have a storage tank and repressure pump to collect and deliver your purified water to your taps. The delivery pump will then provide the flow rate needed for pressure throughout your home.
When shopping for a whole house or commercial reverse osmosis system, take into consideration your expected gallon per day usage as well as the hours in which you need purified water. If you plan on using 400 gallons per day, you could go with a 400gpd RO system. However, if you end up using that 400 gallons within 8 hours, a 400gpd system would not be able keep up. To get 400 gallons in 8 hours, a 1,200gpd RO system would be much more efficient.
When in doubt, don't hesitate to contact a knowledgeable representative who can walk you through the process to ensure you purchase the right system for you.
Q: Do RO/NF systems waste a lot of water?
A: It's not a secret; reverse osmosis/nanofiltration systems use water to make water, which means there is a concentrated discharge water containing the contaminants that were removed by the purification process. Reverse osmosis technology has come a long way since it was first introduced to include higher recoveries for less waste water. Where RO systems used to waste up to 7-8 gallons for every 1 gallon of purified water, they can now achieve 33% (3:1) recovery rate or even better. Our Whole House RO Packages include a recirculation valve to achieve a high recovery rate of 50%, or an incredible 1:1 waste to product ratio! Likewise, our Whole House Nanofiltration Packages (TPC-1500 & TPC-3000) can also achieve a high 50% recovery rate. If you venture into our upgraded TV-RO/TV-Nano Systems you can find recovery rates go up to 60% and even 70%!
A: It's not a secret; reverse osmosis/nanofiltration systems use water to make water, which means there is a concentrated discharge water containing the contaminants that were removed by the purification process. Reverse osmosis technology has come a long way since it was first introduced to include higher recoveries for less waste water. Where RO systems used to waste up to 7-8 gallons for every 1 gallon of purified water, they can now achieve 33% (3:1) recovery rate or even better. Our Whole House RO Packages include a recirculation valve to achieve a high recovery rate of 50%, or an incredible 1:1 waste to product ratio! Likewise, our Whole House Nanofiltration Packages (TPC-1500 & TPC-3000) can also achieve a high 50% recovery rate. If you venture into our upgraded TV-RO/TV-Nano Systems you can find recovery rates go up to 60% and even 70%!
Q: Can these systems be installed by the home owner?
A: Yes, Our whole house RO/NF packages can be installed by the do-it-yourselfer with considerable plumbing experience or is easily done by a professional plumber or contractor. We provide detailed installation instructions, pictured diagrams, patient & knowledgeable support (our support staff is your support staff!), and information on how each component of our whole house purification systems work. Most importantly, you can get reliable tech support via phone or email to ensure everything is running smoothly. If you're unsure you can tackle this project, contact us to discuss installation tips and guides.
A: Yes, Our whole house RO/NF packages can be installed by the do-it-yourselfer with considerable plumbing experience or is easily done by a professional plumber or contractor. We provide detailed installation instructions, pictured diagrams, patient & knowledgeable support (our support staff is your support staff!), and information on how each component of our whole house purification systems work. Most importantly, you can get reliable tech support via phone or email to ensure everything is running smoothly. If you're unsure you can tackle this project, contact us to discuss installation tips and guides.
Q: Is there a lot of maintenance with a whole house RO/NF system?
A: Maintenance is highly dependent on your water chemistry and typical water usage, and not every RO system is built the same. The only typical maintenance on our Whole House RO and Nano Systems is replacing the protective prefilters and RO/NF membrane, which is easily done by the customer themselves. Our RO & NF membranes are designed to last up to 3-5 years, and sometimes even longer, so you don't have to worry about constantly replacing your membrane.
Have a question you don't see answered for? Ask one of our knowledgeable reps via Live Chat or by email at: [email protected] and we might even include it on this blog for other customers to learn about!
A: Maintenance is highly dependent on your water chemistry and typical water usage, and not every RO system is built the same. The only typical maintenance on our Whole House RO and Nano Systems is replacing the protective prefilters and RO/NF membrane, which is easily done by the customer themselves. Our RO & NF membranes are designed to last up to 3-5 years, and sometimes even longer, so you don't have to worry about constantly replacing your membrane.
Have a question you don't see answered for? Ask one of our knowledgeable reps via Live Chat or by email at: [email protected] and we might even include it on this blog for other customers to learn about!
RainDance-400 Whole House RO Package
RainDance 400 Gallon Per Day "Water Saver" Whole House Reverse Osmosis System With UV Bacteria & Virus Eliminator
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 400 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-2 person households with up to 2 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
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Key Features:
Included Components:
Additional Benefits:
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 400 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-2 person households with up to 2 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
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- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 5 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 5 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your RO system.
- Water Meter: Our reverse osmosis water totalizing meter allows you to track how much RO water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
- Post Water Quality Estimate: Email us your current water report and our engineers will run an post water quality estimate and provide information on how we can improve your water.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive Filtration: Removes salts, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, sulfate, arsenic, nitrates, fluorides, and more. Reverse Osmosis has also been shown to filter harmful chemicals like PFAS (PFOA & PFOS).
- Versatile Application: Suitable for both city-treated and well water sources.
- High Capacity: Processes 400 gallons per day while maintaining low energy consumption.
- Safety: Includes corrosion prevention and features to monitor water quality (TDS, pH, temperature).
- User-Friendly Design: Instructions & diagrams for installation, maintain, and service, complete with color-coded tubing.
Included Components:
- Stainless Steel Wall-Mount RO System
- Dual Integrated Sediment & Chemical Pre-filtration
- Post Remineralizer
- On-Demand Delivery Pump
- Water Usage Totalizing Meter
- TDS & pH Monitors
- Comprehensive Installation Instructions on a USB drive
Additional Benefits:
- Free delivery within the continental US.
- Lifetime support and water testing services.
- 24/7 customer support for any questions or concerns.
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
RainDance-800 Whole House RO Package
RainDance 800 Gallon Per Day "Water Saver" Whole House Reverse Osmosis System With UV Bacteria & Virus Eliminator
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 800 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-4 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
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Key Features:
Included Components:
Additional Benefits:
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 800 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-4 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
<<<<This FREE Offer Will End Without Notice>>>>
- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 5 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 5 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your RO system.
- Water Meter: Our reverse osmosis water totalizing meter allows you to track how much RO water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
- Post Water Quality Estimate: Email us your current water report and our engineers will run an post water quality estimate and provide information on how we can improve your water.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive Filtration: Removes salts, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, fluorides, and more. Reverse Osmosis has also been shown to filter harmful chemicals like PFAS (PFOA & PFOS).
- Versatile Application: Suitable for both city-treated and well water sources.
- High Capacity: Processes 800 gallons per day while maintaining low energy consumption.
- Safety: Includes corrosion prevention and features to monitor water quality (TDS, pH, temperature).
- User-Friendly Design: Instructions & diagrams for installation, maintain, and service, complete with color-coded tubing.
Included Components:
- Stainless Steel Wall-Mount RO System
- Dual Integrated Sediment & Chemical Pre-filtration
- Post Remineralizer
- On-Demand Delivery Pump
- Water Usage Totalizing Meter
- TDS & pH Monitors
- Comprehensive Installation Instructions on a USB drive
Additional Benefits:
- Free delivery within the continental US.
- Lifetime support and water testing services.
- 24/7 customer support for any questions or concerns.
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
RainDance-1200 Whole House RO Package
RainDance 1200 Gallon Per Day "Water Saver" Whole House Reverse Osmosis System With UV Bacteria & Virus Eliminator
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 1200 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-6 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
<<<<This FREE Offer Will End Without Notice>>>>
Key Features:
Included Components:
Additional Benefits:
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 1200 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-6 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
<<<<This FREE Offer Will End Without Notice>>>>
- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 5 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 5 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your RO system.
- Water Meter: Our reverse osmosis water totalizing meter allows you to track how much RO water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
- Post Water Quality Estimate: Email us your current water report and our engineers will run an post water quality estimate and provide information on how we can improve your water.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive Filtration: Removes salts, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, fluorides, and more. Reverse Osmosis has also been shown to filter harmful chemicals like PFAS (PFOA & PFOS).
- Versatile Application: Suitable for both city-treated and well water sources.
- High Capacity: Processes 1200 gallons per day while maintaining low energy consumption.
- Safety: Includes corrosion prevention and features to monitor water quality (TDS, pH, temperature).
- User-Friendly Design: Instructions & diagrams for installation, maintain, and service, complete with color-coded tubing.
Included Components:
- Stainless Steel Wall-Mount RO System
- Dual Integrated Sediment & Chemical Pre-filtration
- Post Remineralizer
- On-Demand Delivery Pump
- Water Usage Totalizing Meter
- TDS & pH Monitors
- Comprehensive Installation Instructions on a USB drive
Additional Benefits:
- Free delivery within the continental US.
- Lifetime support and water testing services.
- 24/7 customer support for any questions or concerns.
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
RainDance-1500 Whole House RO Package
RainDance 1500 Gallon Per Day "Water Saver" Whole House Reverse Osmosis System With UV Bacteria & Virus Eliminator
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 1500 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-8 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
<<<<This FREE Offer Will End Without Notice>>>>
Key Features:
Included Components:
Additional Benefits:
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
Overview: Transform your home’s water quality with the RainDance 1500 GPD Whole House Reverse Osmosis system, designed for 1-8 person households with up to 3 bathrooms. This high-performance RO system effectively filters high TDS levels (up to 2500 ppm) and removes a wide range of contaminants, ensuring you have clean, safe water throughout your home.
Limited Time UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
<<<<This FREE Offer Will End Without Notice>>>>
- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 5 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 5 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your RO system.
- Water Meter: Our reverse osmosis water totalizing meter allows you to track how much RO water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
- Post Water Quality Estimate: Email us your current water report and our engineers will run an post water quality estimate and provide information on how we can improve your water.
Key Features:
- Comprehensive Filtration: Removes salts, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, fluorides, and more. Reverse Osmosis has also been shown to filter harmful chemicals like PFAS (PFOA & PFOS).
- Versatile Application: Suitable for both city-treated and well water sources.
- High Capacity: Processes 1500 gallons per day while maintaining low energy consumption.
- Safety: Includes corrosion prevention and features to monitor water quality (TDS, pH, temperature).
- User-Friendly Design: Instructions & diagrams for installation, maintain, and service, complete with color-coded tubing.
Included Components:
- Stainless Steel Wall-Mount RO System
- Dual Integrated Sediment & Chemical Pre-filtration
- Post Remineralizer
- On-Demand Delivery Pump
- Water Usage Totalizing Meter
- TDS & pH Monitors
- Comprehensive Installation Instructions on a USB drive
Additional Benefits:
- Free delivery within the continental US.
- Lifetime support and water testing services.
- 24/7 customer support for any questions or concerns.
Get Started: For assistance, click the chat icon or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance Specialist.
Join the RainDance Advantage today and experience unparalleled water purification for your home!
Deluxe RainDance-1500P Whole House Nanofiltration Package
Whole House Nano-Filtration Water Purification System
Designed for 1-8 Person Households / 1-4 Bathrooms / Produces Up to 1500 GPD
Resource: RainDance Nanofiltration Installation Guide
New Premium UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
Key Features:
System Includes:
Why Choose Us?
Get in Touch:
Benefits of Nano-Filtration:
Designed for 1-8 Person Households / 1-4 Bathrooms / Produces Up to 1500 GPD
Resource: RainDance Nanofiltration Installation Guide
New Premium UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 3 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 3 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your Nano system.
- Water Meter: Our nano-filtration water totalizing meter allows you to track how much nano filtered water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
Key Features:
- Versatile Use: Suitable for both well water and municipal treated water.
- Advanced Filtration: Reduces salts, total dissolved solids (TDS), heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, and more.
- Comprehensive Protection: Filters bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants, ensuring safe and clean water for your home.
System Includes:
- Sediment & Chemical Removal: Dual integrated pre-filtration for effective removal of chlorine, VOCs, and other chemicals.
- Monitoring Tools: TDS, temperature, and pH water quality monitors to keep track of your water's condition.
- Usage Meter: Water usage totalizing meter to monitor consumption.
- Post Remineralizer: Helps prevent plumbing corrosion with low pH control.
- Easy Installation: Comes with detailed installation instructions and diagrams.
Why Choose Us?
- Proven reliability since 1998.
- Custom-built systems based on your water chemistry.
- Free shipping within the continental US.
Get in Touch:
- Have questions? Click the online chat icon for instant support or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance specialist.
Benefits of Nano-Filtration:
- Reduces harmful contaminants like uranium and fluoride.
- Softens hard water without using salt.
- Enhances the taste and quality of your water.
Deluxe RainDance-3000P Whole House Nanofiltration Package
Whole House Nano-Filtration Water Purification System
Designed for 1-10 Person Households / 1-4 Bathrooms / Produces Up to 3000 GPD
Resource: RainDance Nanofiltration Installation Guide
New Premium UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
Key Features:
System Includes:
Why Choose Us?
Get in Touch:
Benefits of Nano-Filtration:
Designed for 1-10 Person Households / 1-4 Bathrooms / Produces Up to 3000 GPD
Resource: RainDance Nanofiltration Installation Guide
New Premium UPGRADE Options Included At No Extra Charge!
- UV Ultraviolet Disinfection: This is the perfect option for chemical-free bacteria and virus treatment that wont distort the taste of your water! Have peace-of-mind knowing that your water is bacteria and virus free.
- 3 Year Supply Of Prefilters: Be prepared for your next filter change! We are including a 3 year supply of sediment & chlorine/chloramine/VOC Chemical prefilters so you wont experience any down time or delays when its time to service your Nano system.
- Water Meter: Our nano-filtration water totalizing meter allows you to track how much nano filtered water you are actually using on a daily basis.
- TDS & pH Water Quality Monitors: Easy to use on the spot real-time water quality meters - allows you to check your water quality at any time.
Key Features:
- Versatile Use: Suitable for both well water and municipal treated water.
- Advanced Filtration: Reduces salts, total dissolved solids (TDS), heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, and more.
- Comprehensive Protection: Filters bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants, ensuring safe and clean water for your home.
System Includes:
- Sediment & Chemical Removal: Dual integrated pre-filtration for effective removal of chlorine, VOCs, and other chemicals.
- Monitoring Tools: TDS, temperature, and pH water quality monitors to keep track of your water's condition.
- Usage Meter: Water usage totalizing meter to monitor consumption.
- Post Remineralizer: Helps prevent plumbing corrosion with low pH control.
- Easy Installation: Comes with detailed installation instructions and diagrams.
Why Choose Us?
- Proven reliability since 1998.
- Custom-built systems based on your water chemistry.
- Free shipping within the continental US.
Get in Touch:
- Have questions? Click the online chat icon for instant support or call 1-877-788-8387 to speak with a RainDance specialist.
Benefits of Nano-Filtration:
- Reduces harmful contaminants like uranium and fluoride.
- Softens hard water without using salt.
- Enhances the taste and quality of your water.
Before You Order Check List:
- Have you talked to one of our knowledgeable staff members? If not call 1-877-788-8387, email, or chat with a live team member to get your questions answered swiftly and thoroughly. There's no sense making such a big investment with unanswered questions or hesitation!
- Well Water Users: Have you emailed or faxed us your well water analysis for a recommendation? If not, email your water report to [email protected] or fax to: 760-896-6999 Attention: WH-RO/NF. Well water sources may contain contaminants that could prematurely foul your RO or Nano system, resulting in declining performance and costly replacements. Well water users should never purchase a system blindly!
- Have you sized your whole house RO/NF system to adequately meet your needs? Reverse osmosis systems are not like point-of-entry (POE) water filters that treat all incoming water. All RO systems are rated at different gallon per day (GPD) capacities, meaning they can only purify a certain amount of water within a 24 hour period. For example, a whole house RO system rated at 1,200gpd can produce 1,200 gallons of purified water in 24 hours, or approximately 600 gallons in 12 hours, and so on. This is important to keep in mind so your RO system is able to keep up with your demand.
- Do you have all the necessary equipment for a whole house RO system? Once installed, the purified water produced by the RO system comes out as a small stream, which is why a separate storage tank (at least 300 gallons storage) and a re-pressure pump is required to collect and deliver the purified water into your home. For our customer's convenience, RainDance has created our Whole House RO Packages and Whole House Nanofiltration Packages to include the equipment necessary to provide purified water to every tap in your home, so there are no hidden surprises and you get your total damage upfront.