Correctly sizing a whole house water filter for your home can be more difficult than you first thought. While shopping for a new well water or city water treatment filter, you'll find many systems will include a sizing reference for your household, such as "1-3 bathrooms" or "1-5 persons". These handy taglines help homeowners new to water treatment find a system that will suit their needs best. Read along to find out exactly what each of these terms mean in conjunction with water treatment systems. |
Whether you're looking to purchase a whole house water filter or a whole house reverse osmosis purification system, you'll find that a single system can come in many sizes. RO systems are sized at different gallon per day (GPD) capacities and water filters are rated at different gallon per minute (GPM) flow rates, each to accommodate different home or business uses. Many consumers don't know their exact flow rate or daily water usage, so we'll use household sizes to narrow down your typical water use.
Bathrooms, kitchens, washing machines, and other water-using appliances are important to consider when sizing a water filter for your home. However, the amount these appliances are used and the number of people sharing these rooms are just as important. For example, a home with 2 bathrooms may appear to need a small water filter, but if this 2 bathroom home has 7 people using these two bathrooms, a small 2 bathroom water filter is not going to be able to keep up with this high demand usage. Likewise, a large vacation home with 4 bathrooms and only two regular residents could use a small system, but a peak of 10 guests at any given time will require a large filter to accommodate occasional high use times.
A single bathroom can see a lot of abuse, or very little use, so RainDance Water Systems chooses to rate our systems based on persons. This ensures you'll purchase a system you know will accommodate your family member's and guest's water usage. The next time you're shopping for a whole house water filter, think about how you want to size your system for your home. When in doubt, a RainDance water professional would be happy to help you size a system to fit your needs.
Bathrooms, kitchens, washing machines, and other water-using appliances are important to consider when sizing a water filter for your home. However, the amount these appliances are used and the number of people sharing these rooms are just as important. For example, a home with 2 bathrooms may appear to need a small water filter, but if this 2 bathroom home has 7 people using these two bathrooms, a small 2 bathroom water filter is not going to be able to keep up with this high demand usage. Likewise, a large vacation home with 4 bathrooms and only two regular residents could use a small system, but a peak of 10 guests at any given time will require a large filter to accommodate occasional high use times.
A single bathroom can see a lot of abuse, or very little use, so RainDance Water Systems chooses to rate our systems based on persons. This ensures you'll purchase a system you know will accommodate your family member's and guest's water usage. The next time you're shopping for a whole house water filter, think about how you want to size your system for your home. When in doubt, a RainDance water professional would be happy to help you size a system to fit your needs.