How are nitrates, sulfates, and tannins removed from well water? While it is best known that reverse osmosis (RO) systems can remedy these problems, you can use another more economical way of treating a specific issue in your water: ion exchange. This is better known as water softening because calcium ions are exchanged for salt ions, but the same process can be used for nitrates, sulfates, and tannins as well. Our featured line of "Eater" water softeners has been designed for the precise removal of hard water as well as these contaminants. First, let's review exactly what Nitrates, Sulfates, and Tannins are... |
Sulfate is a combination of sulfur and oxygen (SO4) and exists as a dissolved salt in the water. As such it is colorless and odorless. It is not to be confused with the gas in the water that causes a rotten egg odor, which is a combination of hydrogen and sulfur (H2S). Removal technology is totally different for the two forms of sulfur. Sulfates in drinking water currently has a Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) of 250 ppm (mg/l). At this level or above, sulfates may cause diarrhea and resulting dehydration.
Tannins (humic acid) can be found in shallow wells and waters which have passed through large quantities of decaying vegetation. Tannins can cause yellow water and yellow staining on fabrics and fixtures. Tannins measuring 0.5 PPM or higher may cause staining and/or interference with various water treatment processes.
So what exactly is the Nitrate Eater, Sulfate Eater, and Tannin Eater?
Of particular importance is the proper selection of the removal resin: our resin is specially formulated to cling tightly to the contaminant until regeneration is required and not let them release into the water in excess amounts, a process called "dumping". As long as the equipment is functioning, safety is virtually guaranteed. A meter control on the system is key to ensure that regeneration is done even when unexpected excess water use occurs.
In the ion exchange process, water containing nitrate/sulfate/tannin is passed through their specialty resin, manufactured solely for the purpose of removing the specific contaminant in the water. As they are removed they are replaced (exchanged) with harmless chloride. The source of chloride is from the salt used to regenerate the unit which is traditional softener salt (sodium chloride). RainDance then saw that this salt wasn't being used to it's full potential, so we placed the special removal resin on top of regular softening resin. Rather than waste the sodium, you're now removing both your contaminant and hard water with the same amount of salt. You get a free bonus of softening!
For those who already have a water softener, naturally soft water, or require a larger removal capacity, we also offer our Nitrate, Sulfate, and Tannin Eater systems that contain only the specialty removal resin, built specifically for your water chemistry.
For our customer's convenience we've made select systems even easier to use with pre-assembled and pre-loaded tanks shipped right to you, so as soon as you receive your system all you have to do is screw on the control valve and plug-n-play. When components are shipped separately the customer has to assemble and fill their tank with heavy bags of media, and if something goes wrong, you have to dump the entire tank and start all over again. We leave the assembly to the experts so our customers can enjoy their new filtered water without the experience of working on a filter assembly line. For our larger commercial Nitrate, Sulfate, and Tannin systems whose parts cannot be shipped pre-assembled, we include detailed loading instructions and can walk you through step-by-step if needed to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Our versatile Nitrate Eater, Sulfate Eater, and Tannin Eater systems have been built to accommodate home owners, commercial businesses, livestock owners & farmers, and agriculturists of all types with user friendly controls and low maintenance for long-lasting customer satisfaction. Continue shopping with the links below: